It was exciting to have the opportunity to collaborate with Focus Features to designed and animated the teaser graphic cards that announced the sequel to the 2019 Downton Abbey film at a comic con event!
I remember vividly the process on animating the leaves with the CC Bend effects and rotation keyframes. There were a lot of cards and each card has different leaves placement to make the whole package look interesting. Timing of the card is everything where the leaves should reveal the type in a short amount of time while keeping a smooth speed for the animation.
Client: Focus Features
Studio: Big Picture Entertainment
Software: After Effects
Role: Designer, animator, and production
Creative Director: Jason Doherty
A/V Producer/ Editor: Chad Russell
Coordinator: Annie Bardet
**Studio logos, movie title, and copywrite bugs are provided by the client.

Studio logo provided by the client.

Studio logo provided by the client.