Here is a collection of projects that was focused solely on the production side as the motion graphics production artist.
My role was to create new graphics based on the given look or client toolkit or per the editors' requests, and in the final stage of trailer making, ensuring the finisher has the correct and necessary elements to complete the finishing process before the trailer was out in the public/ on-air. Some selection of graphics that I have handled and VFX treated graphics are shown below.
Clients: HBO, Lifetime, Netflix, Hulu, STX Films, MGM, Focus Features, and Warner Bros.
Head of Post Production: Joe DiPippa
Producers: Charlie Emde, Joseph Emde, Ariel Hollander, Adrienne McGinnis, Andy Solomon, Chad Russell
TV Streaming Department: Danielle LaFortune, Candace Reid, Samantha Johnston, Kassidy Testut
Editors: Paul Billings, Kelli Brock, Kyle Decker, Jake Heflin, Mark Hoffmeister, Todd Holzer, Trever Jones, Maureen Mailloux, Jonathan Pickle, Aaron Seifert, Luke Smeenk, Jerry Suh, Jason Torres, Thomson Trang, Billy White
Head of Music: Holly Williamson
Music Coordinator: Karly Genovese
Some of the graphic packages I have handled

VFX treatments